Business Ideas - Page 9

On the hunt for the next great business idea? Whether you're looking for small business ideas or home business ideas, get inspired and find what works for you.

Money & Finance

Struggling to Get a Bank Loan for Your Small Business? Try This Flexible Financing Option Instead.

Private capital is a non-traditional financing solution that offers fast access to capital, customized solutions and flexible terms.


If You Want to be Successful, Become a Better Speaker — Follow This 7-Step Process for Effective Speaking

Discover the transformative power of mastering presentation skills with this 7-step process.

Starting a Business

She Started a Side Hustle While Working 2 Jobs as a Line Cook for $22 an Hour Combined — Now It's an 8-Figure Brand You've Probably Seen on TV

Ellen Bennett, founder of kitchenware brand Hedley & Bennett, had a big idea in 2012 — and the "willpower and chutzpah" to bring it to life.

Starting a Business

How to Turn Your Side Hustle Into a Full Business While Working a 9-to-5, From 3 Founders Who Did It

These founders built legitimate businesses in their off-hours. And they all did it differently.

More Posts on Business Ideas

Side Hustle

I Made Over $400,000 From a Side Hustle on Top of My 6-Figure Salary Last Year. I Love Diversified Income — and This Game-Changing Money-Saver.

When Chisom Okwulehie learned she wouldn't receive a merit-based pay bump during the pandemic, she took matters into her own hands.

Starting a Business

Does Your Brand Look too Corporate, or Dated? See How These Brands Leveled Up Their Design.

We live in a time when brands are more visible and visual than ever. Here, six founders explain how they created brand design that stands out.

Side Hustle

How to Go From Side Hustle to 7-Figure Business and Beyond, According to 3 Women Who Did It

What starts as a way to earn extra cash just might launch you into full-time entrepreneurship — if you're strategic.

Starting a Business

Get Over Imposter Syndrome and These 4 Other Hurdles of Being a New Entrepreneur With Help from Netflix's Co-Founder

Netflix co-founder breaks down five questions that most new entrepreneurs have and what you need to ask yourself to jump through the first stages of creating your own business.


Are the Days of Good Customer Service Over? These 7 Hacks Can Bring it to Life at Your Company

Blow away the competition by using customer service and customer experience to make your company stand out, and to build true customer engagement and loyalty — while inspiring your employees as well.

Starting a Business

Turn Your Creativity into Extra Cash With This Lucrative, Home-Based Side Hustle

This article provides entrepreneurial insights and step-by-step guidance for starting a home-based apparel printing business as a profitable side hustle.


This Revenue Hack Can Increase Your Small Business Earnings by up to 30%

In today's dynamic and competitive business landscape, expanding revenue streams is a vital growth strategy. By diversifying income sources and offering innovative services, businesses can bolster profitability while enhancing their ability to adapt to market trends.

Starting a Business

These Four Words Can Change The Way You Approach Every Impossible Task

When a door closes, this is the question that opens a window.

Side Hustle

At 23, She Started a Side Hustle for 'Quick Money.' Now the Business Brings in More Than $1 Million a Month — and Boasts Celebrity Fans.

Katherine Watercutter, now founder and CEO of activewear brand Gold Hinge, was working as a sales representative in Indiana when she decided to earn some extra cash.

Growing a Business

Big Businesses Take Forever to Pay Their Small Suppliers. These Founders Did Something About It: 'Nobody Had Seen Anything Like This'

When their first company failed because major retailers took so long to pay, Stacey Abrams and Lara Hodgson couldn't accept the status quo. So they built NowAccount, a novel solution that lets small businesses get paid right away. Turns out, big businesses love it too.

Starting a Business

Make Money Doing What You Love — 10 Key Tips on Monetizing Your Passion

A comprehensive guide on how to find your passion in life, outlining practical steps such as reflecting on what you love, exploring new interests and identifying your values.